The story revolves around a despicable Gru who wanted to become the super Villain of all time. He wanted to outdo another villain named Vector (who had just stolen the Pyramid of Giza) by stealing the Moon. He adopts three cute orphan girls - Margo, Edith and Agnes in order to achieve his goal. Then, its all about how the girls changed Gru's heart and life.
Gru's character is quite interesting - his long nose being notable. But I must say its the 3 girls that stole the show. They are cute and lovable.
Gru: Someday, I'm going to go to the moon.
Gru's Mom: I'm afraid you're too late, Gru. NASA is no longer sending up the monkeys.
PS:- Its a movie that will make you laugh and most importantly it will help you to come out of the dream world if you happen to have engrossed with Inception. :)
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