This blog is purely written in my own words without any obligation or compulsion. It is only a medium to express my thoughts.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Draining off.......passwords!!

Our mind can be made to store many things. We use it to remember infinite things. I have to remember numerous passwords(how I hate it). Work-station password,office confidential passwords,e-mail passwords(personal,official),net-banking passwords... Have you ever imagined what would happen if all the passwords are suddenly erased from ur memory! !..chaos........
One of the things that I hate most is to create a new password when it got expired. Sometimes few applications would say "Password too short" "Password not complex enough " "should be combination of numerals and special character"..... "!@#$%^&*()" -phew! and my new password is created. But how do I remember it??
Well, there are many ways one can create a perfect password and at the same time easy to remember too.
1.Think of a sentence that you can remember .e.g "my girlfriend's name is alizee and she is beautiful". Make sure the computer or application supports such passwords (with spaces in between).
2.If it doesn't support, don't worry , take the first letter of each word of the sentence that you've created to create a new, nonsensical word. Using the example above, you'd get:"mgniaasib" - wow!
3.Add complexity by by mixing uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. It is valuable to use some letter swapping or misspellings as well.Your phrase might become "My g1rlfr1end's Name 1s Al1zee and She 1s beaut1ful".This might yield a password "MgN1AaS1b".
4.Substitute some special characters.You can use symbols that look like letters, combine words (remove spaces) and other ways to make the password more complex. Ur phrase becomes "My g1rlfr1end'$ N@me 1$ @l1zee @nd $he 1$ be@ut1ful" and the password "MgN1@@$1b"
5.And finally don't reveal it to anyone.


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