This blog is purely written in my own words without any obligation or compulsion. It is only a medium to express my thoughts.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A clever person solves the problem. A wise person avoids it.

These days the problem is - there are lots of wise people around but very few clever people.So everyone is avoiding. Clearly the world is moving to something. Someday you will not be able to differentiate a foolish and a clever person because there would be always someone who has the answer to all your querries at an instant. No one will solve the problem rather he will try to search the solution. He would not be the first guy to have faced the particular problem.Here lies the root of the problem. Most of the answers would be generic and not optimized and most of them would be outdated because the solution is a quick fix one not analyzed or studied properly.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Its nothing but a contour......

When I was ask to narate,
the story of my existence.
There comes to evoke the chronicle of late,
evidence of me being breathing hence.

Then the reflection of my precedent,
still glooms in my collection.
Although the prints are not apparent,
but the proceedings are still in my possession.

Discrete it may seems to be,
the story still carry its meaning.
For its to build , portray and see
the things I was dreaming.

[Life is nothing but a collection of important events. When you try to recollect, you ll find that
you need to draw a contour to join those events to make the journey they called life.]

Friday, November 30, 2007

Am I the Catcher in the Rye??

Its more than a year I m working. Its more than a year leaving the college. But I feel like it was jst yesterday. Strange!! ... I have accustomed to this life. A very familiar one these days- a Software Engineer's life. When I was growing up,the very thought of working in a metro city -far from my home, being independent etc used to kill me!! today it is a sad reality. But I m not very surprised ..

There are lots of phonies around as Holden Caulfield(JD Salinger's "The Catcher in the rye") would have said. I have learn to "hate" many things as I m growing. Earlier I never knew how to hate people, how to hate bad foods, how to hate bad songs. Do I sound sarcastic?? not yet I suppose. Now with the time I m learning many of these arts of hating things. But then I ve learn many things. Now I never complain, I have stopped arguing. I knew my mom would be very happy that I have stopped arguing. I always dig into some heated aruments with one or another. I use to argue even for the drop of my pencil!.. Now I ve changed a lot. I have learn to adapt as some very long theory in Biology would have it - theory of Adaptation. A chameleon changing his skin w.r.t the background etc, etc. But the truth is I m enjoying being among the PHONIES...

Sometimes I really feel sorry for those guys who don't have a home to live in. They got wet in the rain and they got burnt from the heat. But I envied them a lot. They never care if it was yesterday or today. they never keep a track of what they ate or what they will. They don't have to show a smile everytime they meet someone. They are always themselves all through the year.Those things knocks me out.

But I ve the comfort and safety. I knew I ll never sleep hungry. Thanks to those days and nights of hardworks. Thanks a ton for my mother's prayers and blessings. Thanks to my father for everything I learnt. Thanks to everyone for all those wonderful moments.

Its always my dream and my way to be "the catcher in the Rye". to catch someone from falling down the edge of the Hill. I ll follow my heart. I ll be the Catcher in the Rye...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Still Going up and High

Still going high and up....

As a boy, I have always dreamt of exploring this world. Don't know how much i love to see people singing. I cherish the moments shared with my frens.. my kindergargen,school,college frens..........this being jst the beginning